Tutorial hell, and my experiences with it


Hey there! If you're diving into the world of online courses, consider this your official "You're welcome" message. Trust me, I wish I had this info before I embarked on my learning journey. In this article, you'll find some tips, tricks, and the lowdown on the wild ride of online courses – stuff I wish someone had told me when I started! πŸš€

Tutorial Hell - The Definition

Ever felt like you're trapped in a swirling vortex of confusion while trying to learn something new? Yep, that's Tutorial Hell in a nutshell. Picture this: You're knee-deep in tutorials and online resources, and it feels like you're wading through a swamp of chaos. πŸŒͺ️


  • Overwhelmed? Check.

  • Frustrated? Check.

  • Material so tangled it could be a spaghetti monster? Check.

  • Concepts that might as well be written in alien hieroglyphics? Check.

  • Struggling to find the right lifebuoy when you're drowning in confusion? Check.

In a nutshell, Tutorial Hell is like a never-ending loop of learning, frustration, and self-doubt. But don't worry, we've got some tips to help you navigate this maze! πŸ˜‰πŸ—ΊοΈ

My Adventures in Tutorial Hell

So, there I was, fresh from completing my Ruby on Rails course, brimming with excitement to start my very own project. I fired up the terminal, ran the rails g new {insert-awesome-app-name-here} command, and voila! The boilerplate was laid out before me, ready to be molded into my digital masterpiece.

But then it hit me like a ton of bricks: "Where on Earth do I even begin?" It was like I had been handed a magic wand but didn't know how to swish and flick it to conjure my desired outcome. Pretty ironic, considering I had just finished a course that was supposed to teach me exactly that!

Here's the deal – you might not even realize you're in Tutorial Hell until you notice these red flags:

  • You've replayed an entire course 2 or 3 times.

  • You've enrolled in another course covering the same content.

  • You're still stuck, utterly clueless about where to start.

I even whipped up a nifty diagram to illustrate what Tutorial Hell felt like for me:

But don't worry, I've got some tips and tricks up my sleeve to help you escape this infernal loop! πŸ”₯πŸš€

Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Tutorial Hell

So, you've found yourself knee-deep in the murky swamps of Tutorial Hell. Fear not, for I've got a step-by-step guide to help you claw your way out of this abyss of confusion and frustration. 🌊

Step 1: Admit You're in Tutorial Hell

No, this isn't a 12-step program, but acknowledging you're stuck is the first step to recovery. You're here, and that's okay. πŸ™Œ

Step 2: Stop the Course-Binging Madness

Think about that shiny new course you're eyeing with the same content you've already devoured. Just don't. It's like ordering the same dish at a restaurant twice in a row – you know what it tastes like!

Step 3: Just Dive In

Take the plunge. Start your project, no matter how small or silly it seems. Remember what you learned from the course and try it out. If it works, awesome! If it doesn't, dive into the vast sea of online resources to figure it out on your own.

Step 4: Google Is Your Best Friend

Let's be real, Google, Stack Overflow, Reddit, and Quora are your trusty sidekicks. Use them when you're stuck – you're not alone!

Step 5: Break Free, Piece by Piece

As you follow these steps, piece by piece, your knowledge will come together. The key is to start thinking and solving problems independently.

Extra tidbits to guide you along your journey:

Don't Follow Tutorials Blindly

I know this might ruffle a few feathers, but to escape Tutorial Hell, don't just follow along. Instead, watch, take notes, and then try it on your own. If you hit a snag, revisit the tutorial. This way, you're learning to be self-reliant from the get-go.

When a course prompts you with a challenge to try and build the next part on your own, you have a choice. Either sit back, ignore the prompt to pause, and run through the instructor's implementation effectively learning nothing. Or actually hitting pause, trying it yourself, hitting a snag, and learning to resolve the snag on your own. Remember, That course instructor won't be with you on the job guiding you through what you have to do later on. That's all on you.

Motivation Is the Fuel

Don't just chase certificates – build your own motivation! Make learning a part of your journey, not just a destination.

Time and Planning Are Essential

Don't let those unfinished courses gather digital dust. Use your calendar to schedule dedicated learning time. Set deadlines to keep yourself on track.


These tips might seem obvious, but they're worth repeating. Tutorial hell is a muddy road most people have to trot down. The path to get through will cause you to slip and falter here and there. But only through enduring those, you will learn where to step to avoid faceplanting in mud. I'll keep updating this post as I discover new insights along the way.